The Power Of Positive Thinking
By Susie Willis
How To Be A Believer In Believing.
Some of us are better at self-control than others. Some of us can show amazing discipline until you are confronted by a curve ball that can send all good intentions down the pan.
I am 56 and am always learning. I think I am closer to getting my sh*t together most of the time, then life happens, and I have to re-calibrate. One thing I am good at, and have been since having children, is trusting that I have value, have something to offer and have a relentless streak for pursuance and driving myself forward. I have made myself believe that I been put here for a reason and that I need to constantly pursue the best version of me. Once I set my mind on something, I rarely break the promise I have set myself. For me, nobody else. I will set an objective, a definitive start-date, and put a line in the sand, done deal, “I’m doing this”. I have done this over the years by setting a goal, really asking myself why I want this, and what needs to happen in order to see it through. The actual vision and definition of this goal takes the most time. It is a process and once the penny drops, I go for it. I am ultimately a private person and an introvert, so to announce, elaborate and execute, I must trust it in the very core of my being.

"One thing I am good at, and have been since having children, is trusting that I have value, have something to offer and have a relentless streak for pursuance and driving myself forward."

This started with the belief in my early thirties that I absolutely knew, without any doubt, that I was meant to be doing something big, something that would make a difference. That ‘thing’ turned into a successful brand (Plum Organic Babyfood). It just came to me and it was as if it was put in my line of vision and it was up to me to take it somewhere. I had no doubt and just started the research and it soon turned into something tangible that I could then share as a business plan, the rest is history.
I am more worried about giving something up, ie quitting, than failure. Things can fail, things are out of our control, but I am a strong believer in being sure about what it is you want to explore or commit to, BEFORE you make a promise to yourself. It is about being true to yourself before anybody else. This is about being honest about your own goals and objectives, limitations, fears and boundaries. Fear is a huge inhibitor of expansion and growth, so the internal honesty check-list is the starting place. I love the phrase, ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ and always say to myself not to assume anything. Things are rarely as they seem.

"Feel the fear and do it anyway."

I am a huge believer in ‘believing’, the core of self-belief. If something really resonates, sings, feels inherently right for you (not anybody else), then often it can be activated, given power and brought closer to reality. Some people call this manifesting, but it is pure, unadulterated, unsaturated truth that nobody can deny you. It is then up to you to turn it into something, or let it go. This is your right, your privilege. Also some things are not ‘quite’ right, not ‘quite’ there. In which case, just let them go, keep them in your virtual back pocket and they absolutely will come back into your line of vision when the time is right.
This way of thinking can be applied from anything from ‘do I start that diet’, or ‘do I start my own business’ or ‘I really want to learn to ride a horse but I’m scared of a) falling off or b) starting something that will challenge your ‘start/complete’. All of the above are normal responses to taking something on. Remember this, you can only control what you can control. You can control a horse within reason, but it is very likely that you WILL fall. How you recover is up to you. Anything that shocks you, creates stress and fear, can be dealt with and made well again. It is all in how you gather yourself, get the support where necessary and just believe, believe, believe.
This is how I live my life. I only start something when I believe in IT and MYSELF. I only share it when I HAVE A PLAN and then just keep showing up for yourself. You will be surprised what happens.
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